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How to Prevent & Clear Ice Dams on Your Roof

The Consequences of Ice Dams & Why You Should Be Concerned

Winter is a beautiful season, crisp and serene. However, it also comes with many challenges, including ice dams on the roof. Ice dams occur when the snow and ice on your roof melt and refreeze near the shingles' edge, forming ice dams. This ice buildup can cause damage to your roof and gutters and lead to water leaks in your home, which can result in costly repairs.

Fortunately, you can avoid the formation of ice dams and protect your home this winter with a few preventative measures. At ServiceMaster by Singer, we are experts when it comes to structural disruptions and property damage. Our technicians have the tools and techniques necessary to maintain and restore critical infrastructure. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re experiencing issues caused by ice dams.

Hopefully, you won’t need our help. That is why we are here today to discuss the common causes of ice dams and the preventive measures you can take to minimize the likelihood of damage.

Roof Damage

The first major consequence of ice dams is roof damage. With water trapped behind the dam, it seeps under the shingles and can cause leaks in your roof. This can lead to rot, mold, and water damage to the structure of your home. To avoid this, it's important to have your roof inspected regularly, especially during the winter months.

Safety Hazards

Ice dams can also be a safety hazard. As snow and ice accumulate on your roof, the net weight becomes heavier and can potentially cause a part of the roof to collapse. This could cause severe injury or even death to anyone near your home. As ice continues to form on your roof, it can slide off suddenly, potentially injuring anyone below. To avoid this, removing snow from your roof as soon as possible is important, either with a roof rake or by hiring a professional.

Gutter Damage

Another consequence of ice dams is damage to your gutters. With water backing up behind the dam, the weight of it can cause your gutters to bow or break away from your roof. This can cause damage to your home's siding, windows, and foundation and create an unsightly mess in your yard. To avoid this, it's important to keep your gutters clear of debris and to ensure they are securely attached to your roof.

Structural Damage

Ice dams can also have long-term effects on the structural integrity of your home. As water seeps under your shingles, it can lead to deteriorated sheathing and framing, ultimately leading to a weakened foundation. This can make your home less structurally sound and potentially decrease its value. To avoid this, it's important to address ice dams as soon as they form and promptly make any necessary repairs.

How to Prevent Ice Dams from Forming

Let us now discuss some practical steps you can take to prevent ice dams from forming on your roof.

Keep Your Roof Cold

Keeping your roof cold is the primary way to prevent ice dams from forming. Ice dams form when the snow on your roof melts and refreezes. If the temperature on your roof is below freezing, ice dams cannot form.

You can keep your roof cold by improving the attic insulation and ventilation. Adequate roof ventilation helps to circulate the air and keep your attic cooler, while insulation prevents warm air from escaping through the roof. These measures will help maintain a consistent roof temperature and prevent ice dams from forming.

Remove Snow Regularly

Another way to prevent ice dams is by regularly removing snow from your roof. Clear the snow on your roof using a roof rake or a snow blower. This helps to reduce the amount of snow and ice that accumulates on your roof and, consequently, reduces the likelihood of ice dams forming. However, if you remove snow, do this safely to not damage your roof.

Inspect Your Roof and Gutters

Regularly inspecting your roof and gutters is important to identify any potential problems. Check for any leaks or clogged gutters that could cause water to back up, leading to ice dams' formation. If you notice any issues, have them repaired immediately to prevent ice dams from forming.

Install a Roof Heating System

If you live in an area that experiences particularly harsh winters, you might consider installing a roof heating system. This system helps melt the snow and ice on your roof and prevent ice dam formation. Different heating systems are available, from electric cables to hydronic systems. However, it is important to consult a professional before deciding which method is appropriate for your home.

Keep Your Gutters Clean

Clogged gutters can lead to water backups, which can cause ice dams to form on your roof. Regularly clean your gutters to prevent this to ensure water can flow freely. You can also install gutter guards to prevent debris from accumulating in your gutters, reducing the need for frequent cleaning.

Whatever technique you take, remember to act proactively. By treating the issues that cause ice dams before they emerge, you can protect your home and avoid costly repairs this winter.

Quick and Effective Ways to Thaw Ice Dams

If left untreated, ice dams can be a major winter problem and pose a significant risk to your roof and property. If you are already facing the problem of ice dams, here are some quick and effective ways to thaw them.

Use a Roof Rake

A roof rake is one of the easiest ways to prevent ice dams from forming. A roof rake is designed to remove snow from the roof before it has a chance to melt and re-freeze at the edge. If ice dams have already formed, use the roof rake to remove as much snow as possible from the roof. This will help eliminate the situation before taking major steps to melt the ice.

Heat Cables

Heat cables are another option for thawing ice dams. The cables are installed on the roof edge and are designed to melt the ice as it forms. Heat cables are a quick and easy solution to thawing ice dams and can be installed within a few hours. It is advisable to get a professional to install the heat cables and avoid any mishaps related to installation.

Chemical Deicers

Chemical deicers can be used to thaw ice dams on the roof. Calcium chloride is one such deicer that is effective in melting the ice quickly. Spread calcium chloride on the ice dam and leave it for a few hours. The chemical will melt the ice and create a channel for the water to run off the roof. However, chemicals might harm the environment and cause further problems if not used appropriately.


Steamers are a great way to get rid of ice dams. Steam is heated to a high temperature and can penetrate the ice and melt it quickly. Steamers are also environmentally friendly as they do not require any chemicals to melt the ice. Using steamers also reduces the risk of damage to the roofing material, but getting a professional to handle the steamer is advisable to avoid any hazards.

Call a Local Restoration Expert

Ice dams are a common problem faced by homeowners, especially during the colder months. Luckily, several quick and effective ways exist to control the situation and prevent further damage to your property. Remember to take precautions to avoid damage related to the ice-melting process.

If you’re already experiencing structural issues, don’t panic. Hiring ServiceMaster by Singer to handle ice dam-related property damage will ensure the job is done correctly and carefully. We can restore the damaged area and help prevent further problems related to ice dams from emerging.

Don’t hesitate to contact our team immediately if you are dealing with structural failure or property damage due to ice dams! Call (410) 346-9336 to schedule an in-person consultation today!
