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The Silent Danger: Understanding the Health Risks of Asbestos Exposure

What Is Asbestos, And How Does It Affect Your Health?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral found in rocks and soil. As a durable and flexible mineral commonly used in construction materials, such as insulation, roofing, and fireproofing, it was once widely used due to its heat-resistant properties and flexibility. However, when asbestos-containing materials are disturbed, microscopic fibers are released into the air, and if inhaled, they can cause serious health problems.

These fibers can accumulate in the lungs and digestive system, causing inflammation and scarring. Over time, it was discovered that asbestos exposure could eventually cause lung cancer, respiratory diseases, asbestosis, colon cancer, and the deadliest of all, mesothelioma. Despite its ban in many countries, asbestos still exists in some buildings, homes, and products, posing a significant risk to human health.

At ServiceMaster by Singer, we offer professional asbestos removal services to remove this hazardous material safely. Today, we will look at the health risks of asbestos exposure and outline the preventative measures we take when discarding asbestos to reduce further health risks.

Asbestosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Asbestosis is a chronic lung disease that affects people exposed to asbestos for a prolonged period. It occurs when inhaled asbestos fibers damage lung tissues. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, and clubbing of the fingers. A detailed medical history, physical examination, and imaging tests are typically used to diagnose asbestosis. Treatment may include medication, oxygen therapy, and pulmonary rehabilitation. However, asbestosis has no cure, and symptoms may worsen with time.

Mesothelioma: A Deadly Cancer Linked to Asbestos Exposure

When asbestos fibers are inhaled into the lungs and become stuck, the scarring and inflammation can develop cancerous cells. This type of cancer is known as mesothelioma and can be challenging to detect in its early stages. Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that can affect the lung, heart, or abdomen lining. If ignored, it can spread to other body parts and become lethal.

Mesothelioma can take 20-50 years to develop after asbestos exposure, making it difficult to diagnose. Common symptoms include chest pain, coughing, shortness of breath, and weight loss. Unfortunately, most mesothelioma cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage when treatment options are limited. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the primary treatment options, but they may not always be effective.

Asbestos exposure can also cause pleural effusions, a condition where fluid accumulates in the lungs. This can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing. If left untreated, pleural effusions can cause long-term respiratory issues and be fatal.

Colon & Ovarian Cancer

In addition to lung cancer and respiratory issues, asbestos exposure has been linked to colon and ovarian cancer. Because asbestos exposure can weaken the immune system, it makes the body more vulnerable to cancer cells' growth and spread.

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that affects the colon or rectum, and it can result in symptoms like fever, bloody stool, and diarrhea. Asbestos exposure can also lead to the development of ovarian cancer, as women exposed to asbestos are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer than those who have not.

Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Asbestos Exposure

The best way to reduce your risk of asbestos exposure is by avoiding asbestos-containing materials whenever possible. If you suspect your home or workplace may have asbestos, immediately hire ServiceMaster by Singer to identify and safely remove it. Our technicians wear protective clothing and masks when working with asbestos-containing materials. We avoid disturbing materials that may contain asbestos and limit spread by adhering to seasoned techniques.

Effective Removal Techniques

With the right equipment and expertise, removing asbestos can be safe for both the occupants of the building and the workers involved in the process. ServiceMaster by Singer uses state-of-the-art technologies and top-of-the-line techniques to remove the material without releasing hazardous fibers into the air and spreading them around the home. We also use personal protective equipment such as respirators, gloves, and coveralls to minimize the risk of exposure.

Compliance with Local Regulations

There are strict regulations set by state and federal government agencies that require the safe removal of asbestos from homes and buildings before renovation, demolition, or any other construction activity. Removing asbestos without following these regulations can lead to hefty fines and even lawsuits. Hiring our technicians will ensure your property adheres to all such regulations, giving you peace of mind.

Clean-up and Disposal

Our professional asbestos removal specialists will ensure that all waste and contaminated materials are packed in sealed containers and transported to a hazardous disposal site. We have the resources and expertise to handle these materials in a way that is both safe and compliant with environmental regulations.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

As stated earlier, asbestos fibers are hazardous when inhaled. When asbestos-containing materials are disturbed, fibers can become airborne and lodge in the respiratory system of anyone exposed. Our professional restoration experts deploy specialized filters to capture small to of asbestos, helping safeguard your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). We offer additional services that help improve the general quality of your indoor environment and IAQ, such as air duct cleaning, mold remediation, lead paint removal, or smoke/ash damage restoration.

Remove Asbestos-Containing Materials Today by Hiring Professionals

Asbestos exposure is a silent killer that can cause life-threatening diseases, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and various forms of cancer. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Regular check-ups and screenings can help detect symptoms early on, improving your chances of successful treatment. Staying proactive can keep you and your family healthy!

If you suspect you may have asbestos-containing materials in your home or workplace, get them inspected and removed by a professional. Removing asbestos from your home on your own is never a good idea. Hiring a professional with the expertise and cutting-edge equipment required to safely remove this hazardous material from your home is essential. It is the safest course of action for you and your family, ensuring that asbestos removal meets all relevant regulations and standards.

Do you need expert asbestos removal services? Call (410) 346-9336 today!